Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Powerful Princesses, Cowardly Knights, and a Society Drifting from God

This is one of probably many indicators or how society is becoming disconnected from being rooted in a Judeo-Christian foundation. What is the indicator? A loss of the truly great male hero, and the winning of the female princess. These two things go together. The loss of them is an indication of the loss of a Christian foundation. 

Why? The Christian foundation has a clear hero. The Messiah. The Christ. He is foretold as the hero and all of history revolves around events leading to His revelation. He is clearly a man and His intent is to rescue and redeem His bride. He has a female princess He is coming to save and He saves her by laying down His life for her. His work of redemption results in His brides exultation and rescue. At His second coming (which is yet to happen) He will initiate the great marriage supper where He celebrates the rescue He has accomplished. What has happened as we drift from a society which used to be more socially rooted in Christian values. Well we have moved from the great male hero to the flawed male hero to the ascendancy of the mostly flawless female hero. This is the natural drift of men as they move into a place of more and more overt embrace of the desires of men which are laced with unrecognized rebellion against God. 

As we drift from an anchoring in God we begin to develop as a society a substitute for things which remind us of the great hero of history. We don't want Jesus so we begin the drift by making it negative to want to see a princess get rescued. We want the princess to rescue herself. We want her to be empowered because in a way she represents us and we don't want, to need, to be rescued. We want to be the hero of our own story and so we want to rescue ourselves. It is a tragic drift because saving ourselves is ridiculous and the female hero is usually unbelievable and ridiculous when you really think about it. This is coupled with the flawed male hero. We make the male hero unattractive. He is not chivalrous. He is often corrupt or corruptible. Of course this is the result of wanting to tarnish the image of the hero which echos the greatest hero of Jesus. 

What society wants to assert is how we can save ourselves and we don't need Jesus. But this very simply does not work in the real world. Because we can't ultimately save ourselves, and we do need Jesus. A return to a God focused life would lead our society back to stories of real virtuous heroes who rescue and redeem real princesses and live happily ever after. Because this is our real hope, for our real hero, who rescues us for an eternity with Him.

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