Monday, July 19, 2010

There is always something there to remind me...

Last week I was away with my family for a week of camping up at Lake Tahoe. It was beautiful and we had a great time. During the week there were a couple of times that my daughters fortitude displayed in dispatching one of our chickens was mentioned (see blog, "The Scar Death Leaves"). It was during a conversation with my daughter about the pain of death that it occurred to me what a great reminder death is.
Contact with real death is often avoided in our culture. Yet for the vast majority of us we depend on protein to live, and that protein is usually in one animal form or another. I find it interesting that God made us so that we cannot live without protein, but we can live without fruit and vegetables. This points us to an important thing that we all need to remember. Our life is dependent on death. Our spiritual hope for all of eternity with God is dependent on the death of Jesus the Christ. Paul reminds us that all of creation is groaning under the curse and waits with eager longing for the revealing of the sons of God (Romans 8:19-23). What will happen when that happens? In that day God will dwell with His people and death will be no more (Revelation 21:3-4). So next time you scarf down a burger or sit down to a chicken dinner remember that because they died you live physically. But more than that remember that this animal death is a dim shadow and focus instead on our Lord Jesus. Because of His death we will live for all eternity.

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