Friday, May 7, 2010

Evangelistic motivation

As I reflected on the past two blogs and a thoughtful comment from Dwayne that added some great clarity I thought I might pursue some other aspects of this topic that I think are really important. From the perspective of living a God focused life what should be someones motivation to share the gospel. In many ways this is where the rubber meets the road when it comes to the focus of our theology. If you follow a man centered view of God then your motivation will be something like this:
Man is responsible before God for his sin and man is in need of a Savior. Jesus told us to be the ones to go and make disciples (Matthew 28:19) so it is my responsibility. If I do not go then they will not hear and they might go to hell if I fail them so I must go. I don't want to see people in eternity looking at me and asking me why I did not tell them. 
In this scenario God is simply a responder to man. He stands on the sidelines and waits to be called in to play and do His part. In this situation if I fail to tell someone then their eternal damnation might be on my hands. The main motivation in this situation is guilt and/or fear.
In a God focused God centered scenario it might look something like this:
Man is responsible before God for his sin and rejection of God. Man is dead in his sins (Ephesians 2:1-3) and he hates God being presented to him in any way even though he desperately needs Jesus (Romans 1:18-20). The reason that the natural man hates God is because God would dethrone the god of self from our lives. The main way in which God does this is through the work of evangelism (Romans 10:13-17). The Holy Spirit uses the words of men to communicate the message of salvation found in the Bible to hearts of the fallen (Ephesians 2:5). This communicated word of God brings about a work of redemption that leads to repentance. It is through this manifest grace and faith that one comes to Christ and is saved (Ephesians 2:8-9). God began the work and he will complete it (Philippians 1:6). My role in evangelism is simply the sower of seed (Matthew 13:1-23). Truly if God did not intervene in preparing hearts no one would ever come to Him because no seed would ever take root (Ezekiel 36:26).
In this scenario God is the initiator and the central player. He does not stand on the sidelines but is in play in all people's lives at all times. He even sustains my breath as I write this (Daniel 5:23). What then is my motivation to share the good news? When I look at God's creation and realize who saved me it is incredible. Just think the one who made all of the most magnificent most majestic and most awe inspiring things that we see is more magnificent than all of them put together. This utterly inspiring and incomprehensible being not only has forgiven me and saved me but has adopted me as His child and desires for me to know Him. I can hardly contain the thought. He has others that He is calling. They need to hear. He has asked me to be a messenger just like He has asked all believers. He asked me! I used to be a rebel against Him and He wants me to represent Him. I feel completely inadequate to be that representative but He promises that the Spirit He has sent to indwell me will be the one to apply the word to the hearts of others. How awesome is that! So I prepare as best as I can, to be a faithful and good representative and I go because He has called me to. We have this incredible privilege to share this great news with people who are in desperate need. My motivation is a great honor that is bestowed on me that I do not deserve and a great love that has been poured out on me that I can't comprehend. There is no guilt. There is no fear. There is only the joy of sharing this news and the anticipation of the joy that someone else will get to experience as well. So join me in the God focused evangelistic quest as we share the marvelous message of redemption that is ours in Christ Jesus our Lord.

1 comment:

  1. Adoption...oh sweet adoption! Indeed, God imputes Christ's righteousness to us when we are justified. In doing so, we are no longer condemned to receive the wrath of God, which we so deserved. Yet, God didn't stop there! Leave it to Him to take it further...adoption (and then some)! He could have just left us un-condemned, but no, He makes us heirs to His kingdom. We are guaranteed an inheritance from the King! More motivation for sharing the Great News of Jesus Christ! Un-condemned and adopted as children of the King.

