Monday, May 17, 2010

Contemplating the incomprehensible

Tonight we had a prayer meeting during which we focused on the massive power and greatness of God. The topic was brought up because of the popularity of super hero movies. Movies with heros that defy the odds have always been popular. The super hero movies of today are about characters that have great powers. We find these powers exciting and intriguing. I think that one of the reasons these powerful beings resonate with us so well is that they represent a longing our flesh has for god like powers. We like to imagine what we might do if we were endowed in such a way (at least I do). But this kind of musing is physical and degrading because it causes one to desire autonomy or power apart from God. The better thing to do is to redirect our thinking to God (Philippians 4:8). After all the characters in the movies are not real anyway. God is though. All the thing that we like in these movies are merely poor shadows and dust falling from the great power and reality of God. Think of His awesome power. He called all that we see into existence with the word of His power. He breathed life into man and made him a living soul. While on earth as God in the flesh Jesus walked on water. He calmed the storm. After the resurrection He ascended into heaven. Think about it the disciples watched Jesus fly away. He really flew. Remember they weren't even sure that He wasn't just doing a demo for them because some angel showed up to tell them that He was gone for now but would come again (Acts 1:11). This is the God that we serve. The real hero. The truly unstoppable one. He will come again with power and great glory (Matthew 24:30). This is why a life focused on our great God and Savior Jesus Christ is the only life worth living.

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